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Recreation for Sderot Bnei Menashe children.

By Rav David Lhungdim After the seventh October incident, the residents of Sderot returned to their beloved city, which had been deserted and appeared to be a ghost town began to thrive again with the buzzing sound of children playing and the elderly roaming the streets everywhere.

We once again applaud the contribution of the municipality of Sderoth, particularly the Mayor of Sderoth, Alon Davidi. The community of Benei Menashe, with the assistance of the municipality, organized a recreation program for the elderly and children to lift their spirits.

Even though the Benei Menashe community's annual budget had been depleted, the kind-hearted deputy mayor of Sderoth Khava Nakhshonov never gave up cheering on the Bnei Menashe children, generously donating from her own pocket to make the event a reality.


On 28/08/24, an event was held for Benei Menashe children at their Gallery Museum in Brith Arim 16, and we wish Rina Steinberg Menaheleth from Agaf Haklita Sderoth great success, as it was her dearest dream to bring back the smiles of the children who have suffered greatly since October 7th.


The kids were thrilled to see the several tiny animals that Yakov Timshitz brought, including chickens, rabbits, chameleons, parrots, snakes, and more. Yakov Timshitz also explained the characteristics of each species to the kids.


The chairman of Agaf Haklita, Rina Steinberg, expressed confidence about adding new courses for the Benei Menashe in Sderoth. In addition, we aim to create a music class for the kids and an ulpan (Hebrew lesson) for the elderly in the upcoming months.


We must remember that our sages of blessed memory taught us that the Nation of Israel is like a sheep among wolves, but this should not detract from our motivation, because the chosen nation has faced many hardships and anti-Semitism throughout the generations, from Egyptians to Babylonians, Media, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Crusaders, the Inquisition, and so on.


As such, we should have complete faith that we will outlive every jihadist, even the Ayotola dictatorship in Iran and its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, etc.

May we soon witness the ingathering of the exiles' consolation and the speedy rebuilding of the temple in our days.



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shimson kilong
shimson kilong
Aug 30

Shivtei menashe damsot hen


Daniel Mate
Daniel Mate
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Aug 29
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Enoshsatsei Lhouvum
Enoshsatsei Lhouvum
Aug 29
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Well done makleket klita👏👏👏 and benei menashe sderot

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